The Arab Spring Abroad: Implications for Hong Kong

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Online Event

Co-sponsors: UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA Asia Pacific Center, UC San Diego 21th Century China Center, UCI Sociology Department, UCI Center on Globalization, Law, and Society (GLAS), and UC San Diego International Institute.

Online Event on Zoom [RSVP Required]

[Pacific Time] February 15, 2022 6PM - 7:30PM
[Hong Kong Time] February 16, 2022 10AM - 11:30AM

About the Event

Dana Moss (Notre Dame) has proposed the idea of “transnational repression” to rethink how authoritarian states could threaten dissidents in exile and suppress their “voice after exit” in the democratic first world. In this seminar, we will read two chapters of her recent book The Arab Spring Abroad: Diaspora Activism against Authoritarian Regimes, and discuss its implications for studying Hong Kong diasporas. Kennedy Wong (University of Southern California) will serve as our commentator to kick off the discussion.

You will have access to the book chapters once you register. This is a discussion-only seminar. Please read the book chapters ahead of time.


photo of Dana Moss

Dana Moss

(University of Notre Dame)

is an Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of Notre Dame. Her recent book, The Arab Spring Abroad, investigates how and to what extent anti-regime diaspora activists in the US and Great Britain mobilized to support the 2011 uprisings in Libya, Syria, and Yemen. Her article, “Transnational Repression, Diaspora Mobilization, and the Case of the Arab Spring” on Social Problems, received the 2017 Best Scholarly Article Award (ASA Section on Global and Transnational Sociology), Winner of the 2017 Best Article Award (ASA Section on Peace, War & Social Conflict), and Winner of a 2017 Honorable Mention Award for the Louis Wirth Best Article Award (ASA Section on International Migration).


photo of Kennedy Chi-pan Wong

Kennedy Chi-pan Wong

(University of Southern California)

is a Ph.D. Student in Sociology at the University of Southern California. He is conducting ethnographic field research on the Hong Kong immigrant groups in the United States that support the democratic movement in Hong Kong. In particular, he examines how diaspora politics work in everyday actions and clash with local hostland politics. His recent work, “From Helmets to Facemasks” on Social Transformations in Chinese Societies, shows how collective emotions sustain diaspora mobilization from homeland uprising to global pandemic.


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