Event Date
[Pacific Time] January 25, 2022 6PM - 7:30PM
[Hong Kong Time] January 26, 2022 10AM - 11:30AM
Cosponsors: UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, UCLA Asia Pacific Center, Society of Sinophone Studies, Pomona College Asian Studies Program, UC San Diego 21th Century China Center, and UC San Diego International Institute, UC Davis East Asian Studies.
About the Event
This symposium features three speakers who specialize in the queer culture and politics of Hong Kong. Topics to be explored include the development of tongzhi/queer activism in the post-Umbrella Movement period, queer Hong Kongers' experience of class and homophobia, and the recent history of female cross-dressing performance in Cantonese opera.

Pricilla Tse
(Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts)
is Lecturer of Academic Studies at the School of Chinese Opera, Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts. She received her PhD in musicology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her research and teaching interests include Cantonese opera, Chinese music, gender and sexuality, fandom, cultural identity, and Chinese cinema. She is a recipient of the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship and the Rulan Chao Pian Publication Prize. She has published in Inter-Asia Cultural Studies and International Communication of Chinese Culture.

Lucetta Y.L. Kam
(Hong Kong Baptist University)
is Associate Professor in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing at Hong Kong Baptist University. She is the author of Shanghai Lalas: Female Tongzhi Communities and Politics in Urban China (HKU Press, 2013; Chinese edition 2015). Her current projects include the transnational mobility of queer Chinese women, Hong Kong studies and inter-Asian queer popular culture.

Ting-Fai Yu
(Monash University Malaysia)
is Lecturer in Gender Studies at Monash University Malaysia. As an anthropologist, his research explores configurations of queerness through the lens of race, class, and mobility in different Sinophone communities. His latest works can be found in Sexualities, the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, and the Journal of Intercultural Studies. He is currently the Research Lead for the Migration in the Asia Region portfolio at the Monash Migration and Inclusion Centre.

Howard Chiang
(University of California, Davis)
Howard Chiang is Associate Professor of History at UC Davis and the Founding Chair of the Society of Sinophone Studies. He is the author of Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific (Columbia, 2021) and After Eunuchs: Science, Medicine, and the Transformation of Sex in Modern China (Columbia, 2018).