Event Date
Cosponsors: UCLA Asia Pacific Center, UCLA Center for Chinese Studies, Pomona College Asian Studies Program, Society for Sinophone Studies.
Online Event on Zoom [RSVP Required]
[Pacific Time] November 16, 2021 6PM - 7:30PM
[Hong Kong Time] November 17, 2021 10AM - 11:30AM
About the Event
Professor Shu-mei Shih (UCLA) has pioneered the field of "Sinophone Studies" as a critical intervention to rethink "China Studies." In this seminar, we will read Professor Shi's article "What is Sinophone Studies?" and discuss its implications for "Global Hong Kong Studies." Professor Chun Chun Ting (Nanyang Technological University) will serve as our commentator to kick off the discussion.
You will have access to the article once you register. This is a discussion-only seminar. Please read the article ahead of time.

Shu-mei Shih
(University of California - Los Angeles)
is the inaugural Edward W. Said Professor of Comparative Literature, the President of the American Comparative Literature Association and a Professor of both Asian Languages and Cultures and Asian American Studies at UCLA.
Among other works, her book, Visuality and Identity: Sinophone Articulations across the Pacific (2007), has been attributed as having inaugurated a new field of study called Sinophone Studies. Her latest work in this field is Against Diaspora: Discourses on Sinophone Studies (2017; second printing, 2018). She is currently editing a new anthology of Sinophone studies, tentatively entitled Sinophone Studies: Interdisciplinary Engagements.

Chun Chun Ting
(Nanyang Technological University)
is Assistant Professor at the School of Humanities in Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. She teaches Chinese literature, cinema, and cultural studies. She graduated from the University of Chicago in 2015 and is currently working on a manuscript on artistic activism in post-Handover Hong Kong, focusing on the politicization of urban planning and place-making to address the Hong Kong people’s re-imagination and reclaiming of the city through political actions as well as popular and artistic representations